Welcome to the pages of the Austrian Institute for Metabolic and Endocrinology Disorder
The Institute of Metabolism and Health (FISGES) was founded in 2014. The occasion was a finding from scientific studies, which were evaluated in the context of the dissertation. The common denominator of many diseases was the lifestyle (diet, exercise, relaxation).
Messages that should shake up or at least make you think!
Diabetes, high blood pressure
“In all regions and social groups in India, middle-aged and older people have high rates of diabetes and hypertension,” said the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2018; idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V.
“In Germany, millions of people suffer from diabetes mellitus – and every year 500,000 new people are added. About one-fifth of all deaths in Germany are directly attributable to this chronic disease, according to a new study. Against the background of these dramatic developments, the supply and the medical structures urgently need to be improved, explain experts of the German Diabetes Society (DDG). “, So the German Diabetes Society, 2018; idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V
What is the Austrian Institute for Metabolic and Endocrinology Disorder?
What is the DEBEC method®?
Who is Dr. Marion Eckert-Krause?
Keywords: DEBEC-Methode®, Diagnosis, Nutrition, Exercise, Relaxation, Coaching, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Circulatory Disease, Hypertension, Overweight, Obesity, Gout, Stroke, PCOS, Personalized Medicine, Compliance, Health Risk Factors, Lifestyle, Genetics, Epigenetics, Tracking Systems, Apps, “Ph.D. Google,” doctor-patient communication / human-physician communication, blog